In Burkina Faso,
1 in 10 children die
before the age of 5.

IeDA can help improve the situation.


IeDA is as a strategy designed by Terre des hommes aiming at supporting health care workers in primary health care facilities with mHealth tools and methodologies.

The mobile diagnostic support tool helps health workers diagnose and treat children according to the national protocols.

The associated coaching and supervision strategies improve their motivation and the quality of service.

The collected health data is centralized and made available to decision makers for remote monitoring, targeted supervisions and tailored­made trainings.

Read more on the rationale of the approach
  • Support health systems in becoming data driven and performance oriented.
  • Drastically improve the compliance with national protocols at primary level, starting with the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI).
  • Deploy IeDA in over 620 primary health centers, benefiting more than a million children, making it the most widely deployed mHealth strategy in West Africa.
  • Paper-based tool are cumbersome, error prone and do not allow for producing reliable health data.
  • The lack of proper IMCI training prevents health facilities from delivering truly qualitative health care services to the population.
  • The lack of motivation of health workers resulting from poor recognition of their performance, difficult working conditions and increased workload.
  • Very limited integration of IMCI with the National Health Information System preventing decision makers to know what is the exact situation on the field.

Components of IeDA

mHealth tools

IeDa includes the REC, a mobile diagnostic support tool for IMCI designed for nurses. By automating critical tasks, the number of diagnostic errors is reduced. The REC is built with the CommCare platform.

Data analysis & sharing

The data collected by the electronic tools of IeDA are processed and shared with stakeholders to enable informed decision making about health workers performance, supervision and training needs.

Coaching & supervision

Understanding that there cannot be quality of care without on­site coaching and supervision IeDA introduces data­ driven quality improvement methodologies targeting health workers and district managers.

eLearning tools

IeDA’s on­the­job eLearning tools address the issues of traditional training strategies that are not capable of building the knowledge required to sustain lasting changes in practices.
More info on the technology used


health facilities
benefit from IeDA
health workers used the REC
in February 2020.
consultations made since
December 2014

Causes of death among under-fives

Chart by Visualizer

Number of consultations per district per month

Chart by Visualizer

Latest news

Tdh Rewarded by the Pierre Fabre Foundation for IeDA

Tdh received an award from the Pierre Fabre Foundation for IeDA. Sonia Ancellin-Panzani, Regional Health Coordinator, received the award on…

More news

The future of IeDA

  • Integrate additional services to the REC
  • Scale up to all districts of Burkina Faso
  • Deploy IeDA in other West-African countries

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