Tdh at the Tech4Dev 2018 Conference

Tech4Dev is an international conference organized every two years by the UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development, which is part of…

Tech4Dev is an international conference organized every two years by the UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development, which is part of the part of the COoperation and DEVelopment Center (CODEV) of the Ecole Polytechnique Francophone de Lausanne (EPFL). The conference goal is to put forward technologies used for development in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), focusing on Humanitarian actions, Healthcare and sustainability.

Tdh has been especially active at the conference, presenting a paper on IeDA called “Large-scale deployment of decision-support digital tools to improve quality of child healthcare in resource-constrained settings: The IeDA program in Burkina Faso”. The article shared some lessons learned on designing and deploying one of the biggest mHealth projects in sub-Saharan Africa.

Thierry Agagliate (Director of Tdh Disruptive Innovation Unit, second left on the picture) and Amara Amara (ICT4D Strategist at Tdh, third left on the picture) participated in a panel discussion on “How Digital Innovations will impact Humanitarian Activities”, in which they debated with other organizations such as World Vision or ICRC.

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