More than one million consultations !

The IeDA Project has exceeded one million consultations between June and July 2017 ! In Burkina Faso, where the project…

The IeDA Project has exceeded one million consultations between June and July 2017 !

In Burkina Faso, where the project has been established since December 2014, the results of our action with the local populations are increasingly important!

To date, 398 Health and Social Protection Centers, 2651 health workers have the Electronic Registry of Consultation  (REC) involving more than 1,173,868 consultations since the implementation of the project!

By the end of 2017, 604 health and social protection centers, spread among 16 health districts will have the opportunity to use the REC!

Our objective, for December 2017, is the implementation of the REC in more than 600 centers reaching 1.5 million consultations !!

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