ALeDIA: A Promising Alliance against Malnutrition

Terre des hommes, Action Contre la Faim and World Vision have decided to join forces and launch the ALliance for E-DIAgnostic…

Terre des hommes, Action Contre la Faim and World Vision have decided to join forces and launch the ALliance for E-DIAgnostic (ALeDIA). This consortium aims to apply digital technologies to the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) and Malnutrition (IMAM) with the goal to reduce child mortality.

The first product to be developed is a digital solution combining a decision-support job aid for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) and the management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) at the primary health care facility level, a referral management tool, and web dashboards for monitoring at district and national levels.

In a context of insufficient resources, ALeDIA is a necessary condition to achieve the Universal Health Care (UHC) system goal. For the Tdh, it is the opportunity to bring its expertise and share the experience gained on IeDA to develop a new application to improve close the gap on malnutrition treatment.

An international influence

The 21st of May, at a side-event of the WHO’s World Health Assembly – a key event within the health field -, these three organizations presented their next generation of mobile applications. In the three years to come, those digital tools will be developed and tested in several West African countries and potentially in South East Asia.

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