
IeDA Will Be at the Global Digital Health Forum in DC!

We will attend the Global Digital Health Forum in Washington DC on December 13th and 14th which will focus on digital and connected health in low and middle income countries. We will showcase IeDA, our mobile app, the REC, and discuss what our vision is for the next few years.

Please let us know if you want to meet us and come to the Poster session on December 14th to learn more about IeDA and the REC.

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The REC Is Coming to a Third Region: The Sahel!

The Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso has shown its support and commitment to IeDA by pushing for the deployment of the REC in a third region. After the regions of Nord and Boucle du Mouhoun, the REC will be used by healthcare workers in the Sahel region, thanks to the financial support of the Global Fund Initiative.

Tdh will provide technical support to the Ministry of Health and the implementing department, la DSF (Direction de la Santé et de la Famille, Department of Health and Family Issues). It is another step in the process of increased ownership by the sanitary system in Burkina Faso, a step that will make IeDA sustainability a reality.

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