Deployment of the REC in the Sahel and East Region !

The IeDa project pursues its development! The deployment of the Electronic Registry of Consultations (REC) in 2 new districts in…

The IeDa project pursues its development! The deployment of the Electronic Registry of Consultations (REC) in 2 new districts in the Sahel region (Djibo and Dori) and 2 districts in the East (Diapaga and Bogandé) was operated during July and August 2017.

To date, in Burkina Faso, the REC is deployed in 398 Health and Social Protection Centers, spread across 12 districts.

At the end of September 2017, 4 additional districts should be eligible for the REC (Boucle du Mouhoun region: Dédougou, Nouna and Boromo. North region : Gourcy.

By the end of 2017, 604 Health and Social Protection Centers, spread among 16 health districts, will have the opportunity to use the REC.

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