Tdh Rewarded by the Pierre Fabre Foundation for IeDA

Tdh received an award from the Pierre Fabre Foundation for IeDA. Sonia Ancellin-Panzani, Regional Health Coordinator, received the award on…

Tdh received an award from the Pierre Fabre Foundation for IeDA. Sonia Ancellin-Panzani, Regional Health Coordinator, received the award on behalf of Tdh.

Burkina Faso was honored twice as the MoH received an award for the mHealth application conceived by the Direction des Services de l’Information Sanitaire (DSIS).

Sonia Ancellin-Panzani, Dr Boukary Ouedraogo and William Ouango receiving awards for IeDA and the Burkina Faso MoH mHealth app.

We feel honored the Foundation see the added-value of our project and take this award as an encouragement to continue our work in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

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