
A Better, Faster, Easier-to-Use REC: REC 2.5

Great news: we launched a new version of the REC: REC 2.5. It is a massive leap forward in terms of performances and usability, making the REC a faster, easier-to-use application. We focused our efforts on the treatment, providing users with more information and enabling them to indicate precisely which medicine they prescribe to patients, increasing the quality of patient follow up and drug prescription monitoring.

More than ever the REC is a true digitalization of the IMCI protocol which enables healthcare workers to better diagnose and treat children. This will contribute to our goal of reducing child mortality and morbidity.

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We Are Scaling up!

Our project keeps on growing: the REC is now deployed in 270 clinics in 8 districts, being used by over 1,250 healthcare workers. Impressed by our results on the field, the government of Burkina Faso has decided to extend the REC to another region, the Sahel, with the Global Fund financial support. We will start our deployment in the coming months and cover 65 more clinics by the end of 2017.

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